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Promoting science, technology and engineering across the nation.
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Supporting agricultural initiatives across the nation.
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Investing and promoting health projects in various parts of the nation.
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Being at the forefront of quality education across the nation.

The ACE Impact Project

  • The ACE Impact Project Development Objective is to improve the quality, quantity and development impact of postgraduate education in selected universities through regional specialization and collaboration.
  • In this respect, the Project will support the 11 Recipient Countries to promote regional specialization among participating universities in thematic areas that address regional challenges and strengthen the capacities of these universities to deliver quality training and applied research.
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ACE Project Centres

The success of ACE I launched the ACE Impact Project in 2018 to strengthen post-graduate training and applied research.
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    ACE Impact Centres
    ACE for Development Impact is designed to further address the regional development challenges in West and Central Africa

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    ACE I Centres
    The ACE I Project promotes regional specialization among participating universities within areas that address particular regional development challenges

Centre Spotlight

African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID)

Recent advances in genomic technologies for studying humans and microbes have the potential to transform the clinical care, surveillance, and understanding of infectious diseases. In order to truly participate in this genomic revolution, African researchers must be equipped with knowledge of cutting-edge genomics tools, and multidisciplinary approaches to carry out fully independent and high impact research. 


Accurate diagnosis of the first case of Ebola in Sierra Leone and Nigeria in the 2014 EVD outbreak Developed Ebola virus rapid diagnostics test (RDT) for rapid diagnosis of the disease in 10mins.

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